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  • Photo du rédacteurDr taha Baiz

Les avantages des soins axés sur les patients

Therapeutic education is for people with chronic diseases, disabilities or those who benefit from complex treatment. Several studies show its beneficial effect on the control of clinical and biological parameters, which has led to its teaching and practice in the most effective health systems around the world.

We propose a teaching program inspired by the recommendations of learned societies.

It is made of 7 chapters:

1 / definitions

2 / creation of a favorable climate

3 / Analysis of the patient's situation, his health practice and his needs

4 / Agree with the patient and his entourage on the resources necessary to engage in a project and build with him the action plan

5 / Coordinate with the different actors of the approach to deploy the activities

6 / Implement the plan of action with the patient and his / her entourage

7 / Co-evaluate with the patient the practices and the results of the approach

As an example a practical program of education of the patient Asthma in Arabic was made up: including a part for the educator and one for the patient.

The integration of therapeutic education into medical and paramedical education allows for better management of chronic diseases, especially as we witness a growing demographic transition in our country.

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